Fighty 2005.05.14. 21:51
Az ice, ugye jeget jelent. Talán itt, valami elhidegülésre utal, egy kapcsolatban. Igen pörgős kis nóta, és úgy hallatszik néha, mintha Aki dobolna benne, de mint tudjuk, nem ő dobolt akkor még.:-( Néha Eeronak a bekiáltásai is hallatszanak, és így lesz olyan laza a dal elsőre, de másodszorra, pedig olyan elgondolkodtató...
I see you try to avoid me You ain't so friendly Cold like ice I can see what that means Let me explain first, why I haven't been around I'll let you know, why I haven't seen you everyday I've been busy with the band, if you know what that means I heard you're talking things about me, building barrigades around me So real friendship, wasn't real at all it seems [Bridge] And if it's so that you're talking shit behind my back, I'll let you know, I can fight back in the cruelest way, so I'm asking for peace, if you know what that means I'm saying' Yeahyeahyeah [Chorus] Say it again If you want to depress me Say it again Go ahead I feel nothing Wanna say something to me? Come 'n say something to me 'What is wrong with you?' may I ask [Bridge] Yeahyeahyeah [Chorus] [2x] [Bridge]
What? [Chorus] [4x]